Post contains strong language I am sometimes so tired of being a woman, especially at night, especially in the city. Because along with all the normal first date jitters of “What if I spill my drink down my front?” and “What if I run at the mouth (as I am wont to do) and say something … More WARNING: ANGRY WOMAN OPINIONS AHEAD

Earthquakes, Faking Sophistication, and “Che, cabrón, my eyes are up here!”

Some errant thoughts recorded during our time in up North: -Apparently there was an earthquake on Saturday but no one felt it because it was at 8:30am and we were all asleep. -Cacti are rather phallic looking. -Coca leaves (an herbal remedy for nausea) make you feel worse before you feel better. And altitude sickness … More Earthquakes, Faking Sophistication, and “Che, cabrón, my eyes are up here!”

“Sana, Sana, Colita de Rana…”: Observations on Argentine vs American Medicine

I’ve had a somewhat adventurous, if stressful, week. I woke up Sunday morning with stomach pains and nausea; but thought it might have been remnants of my experiments with mojitos on Friday night (sorry, Mom & Dad). But I then subsequently spent the next 72 hours in bed; trying to sleep, keep crackers down, and … More “Sana, Sana, Colita de Rana…”: Observations on Argentine vs American Medicine

First Week in Buenos Aires: Sensory Overload

As mentioned previously, my study group and I spent two nights at an estancia for orientation, where we were bombarded with information about safety, academics, cultural customs, and our homestays. Orientations everywhere are the same: looking around anxiously for someone to attach oneself to or become friends with in a sea of strangers; attempting to … More First Week in Buenos Aires: Sensory Overload